We like to keep things as simple as possible. This helps provide predictability and stability for families by avoiding confusing multi-tier fee structures and hidden costs. Charges are always for the month in advance and you will be invoiced monthly through our convenient ‘paperless’ system through the Famly app.

The fees include all meals, snacks, and drinks throughout the day. They also include nappies, wipes, and creams. There are no additional charges within the fees below. That includes various activities that take place at the nursery such as trips, and experience days. Its all-inclusive!

Sessions Information

Our core hours are 7.30am – 6.30pm.

Minimum of 3 full days per week, including a Monday or Friday

Our nursery is open 51 weeks of the year. We close for the Bank Holidays and the few days between Christmas and New Year.

From the 1st September 2024, our fees will be updating to:

Under 2’s

Full Day 7.30am – 6.30pm – £110 per day

Over 2’s

Full Day 7.30am – 6.30pm – £108 per day

Registration FeeNon-refundable registration fee of £100

Sibling discount of 10% which will be taken from the older child’s fee.

You can see a full breakdown of fees in the table below.

Fees Information

Number of Days Under 2’s (£110 per day) Over 2’s (£108 per day)
5 Days (charged for 50 weeks, @ £107.85 per day and £105.88 respectively) £2291.67 £2250
4 Days £1870 £1836
3 Days £1402.50 £1377

Where Next?

babies environment




babies nutrition


babies settling in

Settling In

babies curriculum


meet the babies team

Meet the Team